News & Events

$500 Cash back on all Clavinova Digital Pianos
The Ultimate Digital Piano - TIME Magazine once named the Clavinova one of the 50 most influential gadgets of all time. Now’s your chance to own the world’s ultimate digital piano with a $500 cash back from Yamaha. Available on all Clavinova models including colour variants.

2024 Great Start Grant
Yamaha Music Education is excited to award up to 10 Australian schools $3,000 each in Yamaha instruments and equipment, to support music making in their school

Nominate A Piano Teacher For The Yamaha Piano Teacher Award: Breakout Awards
Do you know a piano teacher that’s doing amazing things in the community? Ten successful piano teachers will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Yamaha Headquarters in Melbourne to participate in two days of unique, professional development with industry leading professionals in July 2024.