THR Head Discontinued
Ultra Dynamic Power Amp

A great amp always has a certain something. More than just great tone, it has dynamics that breathe life into every note and give punch to every chord. With THR heard amps, Yamaha’s engineers have captured the component-level interaction between the speakers and the power amp (the murky world known as the damping factor) and tuned it to perfection, achieving a new level of performance excellence, even at low volumes. Don’t worry about hearing the difference— you’ll feel it as soon as you plug in and play.

Five amps at the flick of a switch

Whether you use pedals for your overdrive or just crank up your volume control, one great amp sound is where it all starts. Sometimes though, you want to take your sound in a new direction with something just a little different. THR amp heads feature a single-channel design with five distinct custom amp types from solid state through to modified high-gain, all tuned to sound amazing whether you want to get your drive from a pedal or your amp.
The tubes they are a-changin’

The choice of power tubes in any amp can make a vital difference. From the warm, soft, rich harmonics of a 6V6 to the pronounced midrange and tight low-end of an EL34, changing your tubes changes your amp. However, this can be difficult; selecting the right tubes, swapping them out and re-biasing your amp takes a lot of time and money, and it’s easy to get wrong if you’re not entirely sure of what you’re doing. THR amp heads feature new VCM simulation that allows you to pick from five classic tube types for any amp model with nothing more than the flick of a switch on the rear panel. You can even choose from the smooth compression, soft touch and old-school distortion of class A, or the tight bass response, greater headroom and increased dynamics of class A/B for each tube type.
*THR Head does not incorporate physical tubes in its design. Instead, it utilizes Yamaha’s VCM Technology to faithfully reproduce the characteristics of each of these tube types.
*For more information, please see the ”Sound" tab or click the link below

Double Trouble / Dual Amp Function
Two heads aren’t always better than one. But two amps are. THR100H Dual is a true dual-amp version of THR100H with two identical channels of natural drive and incredible dynamics. Totally independent controls, fully discrete signal paths with dual selectable inputs, and A/B/A+B switching give you access to the big dual-amp sounds that guitar tone icons have known about for years. Now it’s your turn. *Only for THR100H Dual

*For more information, please see the ”Sound" tab or click the link below

Lightweight design …heavyweight tone
Belying their awesome tone, stage-ready volume and the playing experience of an amp full of glass tubes and transformers, THR head amps tip the scales at under five kilograms. We guarantee you’ve never come across an amp as lightweight and compact that sounds like such a heavyweight.

BOOST Function
THR amp heads come equipped with an assignable booster that can be engaged direct from the amp or via the dedicated footswitch. With 3 incredible sounding VCM boosters, from a clean solo boost to a smooth overdrive, all selectable via the optional utility software, the THR’s boost function is ready to push your tone to the next level, right when you need it.

Impulse Response Speaker Simulation
Any amp only sounds as good as the last link in the signal chain– and in a great sounding rig, that’s usually a cabinet and microphone. THR Head uses impulse response speaker simulation to drive a DI tone that’s indistinguishable from a perfectly mic’d cabinet. With simulations of a range of industry-standard cabinets and mics available via a USB connection with your PC, THR Head gives you a host of options straight out of the box. But it doesn’t stop there– you can use any IR file available online, taking advantage of a huge community of tone-hounds creating custom impulses for download, or even use third party software to create your own. The difference in tone can range from subtle to significant, and the possibilities are endless.

Supported IR File Format
File Format: .aif / .aiff / .wav
Bit Depth: 16bit / 24bit / 32bit Integer
Channel: Mono / *Stereo (*Only usable either one channel)
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
IR Length: 2048 points
*For more information, please see the ”FAQ" tab or click the link below

High Resolution Connectivity
THR amp heads are equipped with XLR line outputs for connection to professional recording or live sound equipment. The speaker outputs don’t even need a dummy load, so you can disconnect your speakers for silent recording or on-stage performance without having to worry about damage to your amp.

Classic Control
The controls on THR amp heads go back to basics for quick, easy manipulation of your sound. An instantly familiar control layout along with intuitive response and interaction thanks to VCM’s component modeling, means that dialing in your sound is exactly like you expect it to be. No menus, no options, no hidden functions. Just plug in and play.

Footswtich Bundled
An optional dedicated footswitch is available for each model, giving you the control you need at home, in the studio or on-stage. With access to boost, reverb and FXloop functions, plus A/B/A+B switching for THR100HDual, everything’s right where you need it. Industry-standard 5-pin DIN MIDI connectors even allow you to replace and extend the cable easily and cost-effectively.

Utility Software
THR amp heads come equipped with USB functionality that lets you connect to your computer for quick and easy configuration of the on-board reverb and booster effects, switching between serial and parallel effects setups, and uploading of IR data files.

Perfect cabinet for THR Head
Almost all of the classic tube sounds of the last few decades have been a product of the synergy between a high-quality amp head and a dedicated speaker cabinet designed to complement the unique sonic characteristics of the amp. The THRC112/THRC212 are no different, and have been crafted and tuned specifically to accommodate the versatile amp, speaker, and valve simulations of THR amp heads.

Carrying Bag for THR Head
Specially designed carry bag and compatible with THR100H Dual and THR100H. It has plenty of space for footswitch, footswitch cable and power cable and also built-in outter pocket for accessories.