Tuning Once a Year
Pianos Fall Out of Tune over Time

Piano strings are strung under tremendous tension, averaging 90 kilograms each. Hence, even if the piano is not played, the strings will gradually stretch with the passage of time and the piano will fall out of tune.
Pianos need regular tuning at least once a year to keep them up to pitch and playing the correct notes. In particular, piano strings stretch a great deal during the first year after purchase, and the piano should be tuned twice during this one-year period. In addition, tuning is a way to check the piano's condition, which is important. Tuning diagnoses potential piano "health" problems.
What Happens in Tuning?
The word "tuning" normally refers to all of the technical maintenance tasks required for a piano. These jobs are divided into the following three broad classifications.

Regulation involves making minute adjustments to the keyboard and action. The touch of the keys is adjusted, and the keys are leveled.

Tuning is the correction of the pitch of each note by gently re-tightening metal pins called tuning pins around which the strings are wound, using a tool called a tuning hammer.

Voicing involves balancing the volume, tone, and overall sound of the piano by adjusting the hardness of the hammer felts by pricking them with needles using a tool called a picker.
Musical Instrument Guide : Piano Contents
How to Play
How the Instrument is Made
Choosing an Instrument
Care and Maintenance
- The White Keys and Black Keys Were Reversed on Pianos in Mozart's Day
- Did Mozart's Piano Have a Pedal-Board?
- Piano with Automatic Accompaniment System in Beethoven's Day
- The Pianos Beloved by the Great Master, Sviatoslav Richter
- The Optimal Material for Piano Frames Is Also Ideal for Motorcycle Engines
- The Piano Soundboard Is a Board that Also Stops Vibrations
- Why Can't There Be More Than 88 Keys on a Piano?
- Why a Grand Piano Keyboard Feels Heavier Than an Upright Keyboard?