Music Initiative Enables Children with Disability to Join the Band
Children with disability from around Melbourne recently had a chance to try their hand at playing a range of musical instruments as part of Melbourne Youth Orchestras’ annual Adaptive Music Come & Try Day.

Fifteen children who are disabled or neurodivergent attended the day with their families. They worked with a team of music teachers, music therapists and adult musicians with disability to find an instrument that suited both their individual musical interests and access requirements.
Instruments included standard band and orchestral instruments, as well as some adaptive models designed specifically for people with disability. In March they will return with their instruments to take part in a band program called the Adaptive Music Bridging Program (AMBP).
Now in its third year, the AMBP is a collaboration between researchers at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, and Melbourne Youth Orchestras. The program provides ensemble music education for children with disability aged between eight and 14. It acts as a bridging program, with graduating students being supported to join Melbourne Youth Orchestras’ mainstream programs.
Five AMBP students so far have played in MYO’s mainstream ensemble program, on violin, cello, trumpet and percussion. The AMBP team are currently raising funds to form a senior performing ensemble, the Melbourne Youth Para Orchestra, to allow more AMBP graduates to continue their musical training.

Project lead Dr Anthea Skinner said the program supports teachers and families to open the world of music to
more children, enabling them to study music from a young age like any other musician.
“Our students love playing music. Once they get the support they need, they just fly,” she said.
Instruments for Come & Try Day were provided by AMBP sponsors, Yamaha Australia, Bows For Strings and Link
Article written by Dr Anthea Skinner
Australian Research Council Early Career Industry Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer in Disability Creative Performance
Victorian College of the Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts & Music
The University of Melbourne