What Our Teachers Love About Yamaha

With over 20,000 Yamaha teachers throughout the world, we recognize the important role the Teacher plays in your child's education.

Teachers have the ability to leave a positive and lasting impression, especially when sharing their passion and love for music with like-minded young students.

Recently, we asked our teachers what they love most about the Yamaha Music Education System and what inspires their passion for teaching.

When asked about the Yamaha Music Education System, Rebecca said 'I love that the Yamaha Method has creativity, imagination and enjoyment at its core. Gradually and systematically the children learn to wonder, discover, explore, notice, and master skills to a great depth. The method is designed to develop a life-long love of learning music'.

Yifan, stating another core component of our Yamaha Music Education System, says 'the "listen - sing - play - read" model imitates the way how young kids learn to speak their native language. By not starting the music learning experience with reading from the score, the system nurtures a genuine interest in music among kids which could ignite life-long love of music'.

Something our educator, Matthew, especially values are the opportunities Yamaha offers students when learning to compose their own music from basic fundamental activities in improvisation, right through to the opportunities students are presented with when presenting their own compositions for the annual Junior Original Concert.

Although teachers can find varying positive outcomes for their students' progress through the Yamaha Music Education System, one thing that remains constant is their ability to help, guide and motivate each student, contributing to their development, skills and overall passion for music. This level of encouragement comes for their love of music and passing this passion on to their students.

Hawa shares 'Music is about self-expression. It's a form of communication that is indescribable in words. It's just amazing how one could convey their feelings through playing an instrument. Music makes me happy!' Yifan also articulates his love of music, expressing that music is his 'sanctuary', which he can always count on to seek comfort.

While Christian expresses his enjoyment for being a Yamaha Teacher stems from the energy involved with a group lesson, he also points out that it is very important for him to see his students having a good time.

Choosing to be a Yamaha Teacher can also be a gratifying, sometimes challenging but an always worthwhile experience.

Currently one of four teachers in WA, Jeanne was originally a Yamaha student in Thailand, beginning her musical journey at just four years of age. She points out that during her time spent at Yamaha as a student, the Yamaha Music Education System allowed her to train her ears and develop perfect pitch, an ability only 1 in 10,000 people possess! Now, Jeanne teaches students her favourite piece, 'Tug of War', originally taught to her when she was a student in the Junior Music Course.

Yamaha Music Education is determined to share the progress and skills each student makes while on their journey with Yamaha. We believe teachers play one of the most important roles during this time, and it is with their ongoing guidance and commitment that a high level of skill can be attained through the Yamaha Music Education System.