Children join Primary 2 at the age of 4 or 5, and embark on an exciting musical journey where their listening, singing, playing, reading, writing, and creating skills are developed in a fun and nurturing environment.

They develop excellent piano and keyboard playing skills, enabling them to play pieces with both hands in a variety of different keys, music genres and styles, including classical music.

In addition to the weekly group lesson, we also recommend that students take an optional 20-minute monthly individual lesson where they will receive personalised instruction on piano and keyboard playing techniques. These individual lessons not only provide additional support for the pieces learnt in class, but may also include additional pieces for those students who wish to learn even more.

Comprehensive set of subjects to develop a wide range of musical skills including piano/keyboard performance, aural training, music appreciation, ensemble playing, rhythm training, reading and writing music
Lessons delivered by highly qualified teachers trained and certified by Yamaha
Carefully crafted textbooks and educational materials designed to motivate and stimulate children's imagination. Textbooks contain pieces for singing and keyboard performance.
Comprehensive tools to support practice at home - including audio tracks, animations and instructional videos
Development of non-cognitive skills including social skills, perseverance and concentration.
Class Length 50 minutes
Course Length 2 years
Accompanying Grown-Up Required
Class Type Group
Individual Lesson Recommended monthly lesson

Pricing information for each semester can be found on our student portal.